Подборка: Classic Movie Vault,
21 июл 2019
High Sierra 1941 Humphrey Bogart (In Color) Eng
The Projection Room
Mel Bee
I wish Turner hadn't colorized these. They look washed out and terrible and weren't meant to be in color. Apparently Turner colorized a few minutes but the negative response was so strong, he gave up on it. Turner thought colorizing would allow him to make more money but it's actually just the opposite. People don't watch these films expecting to see them in color. I think he believed it would make them look more modern but the audience isn't stupid. The clothes, cars, and music are clearly 40s so Turner was completely wrong.
Mel Bee
Why did Roy try to hold up the drugstore at the end? He had given the money to Marie and planned to go get his cut of the money when things died down. He knew the cops were after him and his picture was on the front page so why would he rob the first place he saw ensuring he would be recognized and probably draw the police toward him? I didn't understand his motivation at all.