21 июл 2019
Captured 1933 with Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks, Paul Lukas and Margret Lindsay.
Juhi Thakur
kelsey richardson
How did you find it?!?!?! I've been trying to find this everywhere! <3
Juhi Thakur
Sheer Luck!! But as u got more viewers so when u put it on your page it will be consider as yours.
Kevin Florio
Paul Lucas was perfect in his role as the German Commandant. Fine movie with great cast. Very early Leslie Howard. He's always such a noble good guy. He's responsible for Humphrey Bogart playing Duke Mantee, the gangster, in the Petrified Forrest. Bogart was so appreciative, he named his first child after him, even though it was a girl. Thanks for a great upload Juhi.
Juhi Thakur